
Micropiles, versatile solutions for foundations and soil containment

At Cimentaterra, we specialize in offering high-quality solutions for your home, including the installation of micropiles.

These foundation elements, with reduced dimensions, have evolved to become a versatile and effective option in a variety of applications.

As their name suggests, micropiles are piles of smaller dimensions, usually between 150 and 220 mm. Initially, they supported little load, so a greater number of piles were placed per column, simulating the roots of a tree, hence their initial name Root Piles.

Its composition consists of an armor, also known as a basket, which constitutes the load-bearing core. This is inserted once the drilling with the required diameters is made.

This basket is generally covered with injected cement grout that is responsible for forming the bulb. The injection of the cement slurry is responsible for favoring the work by lateral friction of the shaft.

Micropiles transfer the structural load through soil layers, which are not suitable for resisting loads, to soils that have load-bearing capacity. These loads are transferred through the steel and grout and thrown into the surrounding rock or soil.

The injection system can be through single global injection (IGU), repetitive injection (IR) or repetitive and selective injection (IRS). In the first two, the injection of grout or concrete is carried out from the mouth of the reinforcement tube, simultaneously injecting all the injection sleeves or valves distributed along the reinforcement tube, while in the last one, the injection of grout is carried out. individually in each of the sleeves.

The mechanical capacities vary depending on the dimensions of the micropile, the reinforcement used, as well as the geotechnical profile of the terrain.

Injected drilled micropiles

This foundation and underpinning technique consists of a support system, consisting of a small diameter hole made in the ground, in which reinforcement is placed and grout, mortar or concrete is injected or poured by gravity. Drilling can be vertical or inclined.

The most widespread method is the one that uses a tubular steel reinforcement placed in a perforation, into which additive cement grout is injected.

The method of drilling the ground can be using a helical auger, rotation of the crown or rotary percussion.

Advantages and guarantees 

This technique has a series of advantages and situations in which this technique can be used:

  • Optimal technique for small spaces and height restrictions, where heavy machinery cannot be used or when negative effects on existing structures need to be minimized.
  • One of the great advantages of the execution of micropiles is their suitability for any type of soil or rock, thus facilitating the optimization of the works and improving their economic performance.
  • In underpinnings of foundations of homes or any type of structure, which has undergone a modification in its seat and, therefore, shows fissures and cracks.
  • It is a highly recommended technique for expansive clays.